Befriending Your Brokenness

I had a beautiful time in the states seeing family and friends and am now settling back into my home.

For many of us the dark of December can be a very internal time where we go inside to do some inner work. Thus I wanted to write about another way of healing ourselves.

All of us have personal parts that are hurt. They can be from current pain...a loss, a broken heart, a physical illness, or ruptured relationships...

And we also have old pains...bad decisions, leaving people we have loved in order to grow, moving away from a beloved area...

As we work with these parts of ourselves we can notice that they have many emotions and sometimes want to be present in our lives in an unhealthy way. Often they are clamoring for our attention.

And yet, if we hold them, love them, attend to them, they have a chance to calm down and integrate back into the whole.

See if you can find a part of yourself in need.

Begin to tune into it and ask:

  • What is this pain about?
  • What needs to be expressed?
  • What does it need?

Then see if you can give it what it, acknowledgment, kindness, understanding, care or just listening to the pain and what it has to say.

You can see or feel this part like a child. You can imagine holding it in your lap or see it getting nourished, receiving rest and rejuvenation.

Finally as the healing is in process, look to see what the blessing is from this painful part. You might discover it is helping you slow down, love yourself more, have more compassion towards yourself, or even assisting you to feel kindness for all people in pain.

Whatever it is, lean into, acknowledge it and observe it transforming. In time you will find much regeneration from working with this part of yourself.

Channeling-Working with the dark.

Healing Meditation for the Dark and Light