Work with the Spirit Guides

In this session we work with your life questions and I can identify one or two of your Spirit Guides 
and tell you about what qualities they bring you.
Once you know your Guides you can work more directly with them to create the life you want.

Who Are 

Your Spirit Guides?

Guides are beings who live in the non-physical world. They can be someone you knew in another life time, a deceased family member, or a being in alignment with the work you are doing in this incarnation.

They serve as advisers and helpmates to you. You contract to have specific Guides before you are born in order to fulfill your life purpose.

They tend to be funny, playful, and irreverent. They often offer encouragement, protection, love, acknowledgement, and occasionally a kick in the pants.

Guides Can Answer

Life Path Questions

Sometimes you are in a life transition and can't see which way to go. The Guides can advise you on current life circumstances, problems you are working with, and answer questions.

They can comment on your life path, your past, and the lessons you are presently learning.

Schedule Now

Follow-Up Sessions 

It can be very useful to have sessions with the Guides when you
are in transition, making new life choices, 
or unable to see the
bigger Spiritual picture.

Theses sessions are available for an hour, forty-five-minutes, or half-hour session.

Healing and Life Breakthrough Package

 ✱ Have you been working with an illness, disease, or inner disharmony you want to get underneath and heal?
✱ Are you willing to work with energetic causes, past lives, and your inner child?
✱Or have you been stuck and unable to make a change in some area of your life?
✱Are you feeling stumped, frustrated, and baffled?
✱Ready to really change?  
Then join Kristina and the Guides for this five session Healing and Breakthrough Package to move forward and effect life change.  
This is a tailor made program for you with channeling, energy work, homework, and teachings. You will feel companioned, encouraged, and excited as you move forward. Fee $599, a $156 savings.  

Please set up an inquiry call to see if this is a fit for you.

What Kristina's Clients Are Saying

Thank you so much for the amazing session was just the information I was hoping for and it resonated so deeply...I feel utterly changed, and more importantly comforted, about where I am and being okay with that which is my goal, so thank you so much!
Dana Kraft, Naturopath,
Oaxaca, MX

She is one of my most trusted guides and mentors with her clear, authentic, and deep connection with the Unseen and Guides. She gave me some of the most practical, grounded, comforting, and expansive advice I’ve yet received in this lifetime. Thank you Kristina!
Virginia Schmidt, Writer,
Cody, WY

I needed direction and reassurance on a particular issue in life. Kristina helped me tremendously. I confidently recommend her to anyone wishing to learn something about themselves and wishing to order themselves from principles that are above the level of regular life.
John K, Lawyer and Dad,
Pittsburg, PA