Choosing to Feel Better

In hard times you can choose to be happy, in gratitude, and well. Walk towards your own creation, stay out of fear, and live into the higher path.

From Munnara
Dear Beloveds,
You are standing in a place of many possibilities, of change and opening while concurrently there is much fear on the planet.

You get to choose at this time how to respond. With fear, seeing lower outcomes, or with aliveness, growth and expectations for new life. We are not in any way underplaying the present difficulties. Indeed it is a hard time. 

Yet you can acknowledge that, know it is true, and keep deciding to live into the higher path, knowing that all this change will make your planet a better place and that you can be well in this time.

We ask you to please take this road. Know that you are presently being pressed. It is as if the fear and depression on planet earth is pushing into you.


Dear ones, you must choose and actively walk towards your well being. This means in your activities and in the thoughts you let take hold in your mind. As always, go outside. Walk. Look at beauty. Breathe deeply.

Don't imbibe too much news and elect not to partake in discussions that turn negative. Maybe there are people you need to step back from. Indeed, place your energy where it grows your sense of well-being, joy, and aliveness.

We hear you ask, "But how can we feel that now?" You choose it beloveds. You decide on what you focus on, what you make real, and then you make yourself move further than what the media or the pandemic encourages. You push yourself to laugh, find joy, and see hope.

This is how the planet will heal. Please dear ones, move in this direction. You will feel better and these times will be less painful for you.

Wishing you much love, 

Munnara is a Spirit Guide speaking for a group of souls holding the divine feminine wisdom.


From Kristina
Dear Beloved Tribe,
It seems so many people have lost their joy now. The crushing press of these times with the politics, the pandemic, and the overall state of fear are contributing.

I wish to encourage you to work at making yourself happy. YES! Make yourself feel joy or happiness.

How do you do this? Here are some ideas.
  1. Give gratitude for what is working. Really appreciate your health, your friends and family 
  2. Move your body. Walk, run, dance, or do yoga. 
  3. Help someone. Service always opens the heart.
  4. Go outside and appreciate something beautiful.
  5. Laugh. Watch a funny movie or remember funny times. Really get into it.
  6. Do something creative. Draw. Paint. Write. Sew. 
  7. Imagine being someplace you love. Steep yourself in the feelings, sounds, and smells of that place. Feel its beauty and peace suffuse into you.
  8. Move the tension out of your body. Shake all over for 5 minutes. Scream if you need to (in a pillow or a car) or make funny sounds, talk nonsense with lots of enthusiasm and gestures.
  9. Let go of how you think things should be. Accept the now.
  10. Spend time with people.
It doesn't really matter what you do but that you find a way to come back to lightness, confidence, and some sense of  inner joyfulness.

I love what leading coach Brendon Burchard said:

"You can be concerned for the world, you can be active in it, you can fight for important things, and you can simultaneously be personally HAPPY along the way."  Excerpted from this free class.

Lorie Ladd has a Youtube talking about the two timelines available, fear or the higher road.

The Ascended Masters sent a message some time ago:

...take heart. All is not what it seems. Life will continue to open and expand for each of you. In time you will feel less troubled by the disorder still present. And wise solutions will come for your world problems. No this will not be quick in your earth time, but it will come. Live in faith and harmony, dear ones. You are the light…

If you need help, please contact me and have a session with the guides. It's time to feel better, whatever it takes.

Much love, 

 "The heart knows the way. Run in that direction."

I am available for readings with your Guides, house clearings, personal retreat, and spiritual coaching by phone or in person in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Kristina Rogers L.Ac
[email protected]
281-201-6929 US
415-115-1342 MX

Categories: inner wellness