Healing After a Year of Trauma

2020 has brought trauma and change. Take inventory of your pain and miracles, then work on healing your damaged parts. Acknowledge your inner growth

Dear Beloved Tribe,
We are heading towards the close of this year and I want to provide some healing tools so you can each close out the year with more inner peace.

Take an inner inventory:
Which parts of yourself feel pain?
  • Your inner child? 
  • The social, extroverted you who feels alone and isolated?
  • Your inner rebel who just wants it to be over?
  • Your lover who wants to cuddle and hold another being?
Once you've found these inner parts that are upset, sad, angry, and tired, take the time to be with each one of them. You can imagine holding them on your lap and having a long heart to heart conversation with them. Ask them what they want and need and then imagine doing those things for them. See if this can soothe them and bring more inner calm.

Indeed it has been difficult and these parts might feel tattered or bereft. Be present to their loss and grief. Let them scream and cry. Express it all.

Once you feel complete, light a candle for your inner peace. Find that part of yourself which is holding faith and hope. Let her rest gently.

Finding the Miracles and Blessings
2020 has been a difficult and overwhelming year for most of us. And yet there are miracles, blessings, and great personal development from it. Take the time in these next weeks to look within and see how it has served you.

Ask yourself:
  1. How have I grown?
  2. What new directions have I taken? What dreams have I manifested or made a priority? 
  3. Where am I more authentic? 
  4. Do I know myself in new and different ways?
Take note of all  this. Consider writing in your journal or write a letter to yourself.

Creating this healing for yourself will allow you to come into the New Year from a more fresh, open place. 

I took a walk on the beach with a friend this morning before the sun had crested the hill. My friend stopped abruptly pointing down to a baby turtle motoring along towards the ocean.

It would stop, seem to listen or feel, then make slight adjustments and head on towards the water. This so reflects how we are now. Stopping, listening, communing with Spirit, and then heading towards where we're called. 

There is no straight path and no one who knows your way but you. Take the time to be still and listen, finding the path moment by moment!

Next week I will write about the upcoming December astrology. We are on the edge of great openings. 

Monday, December 14th is the New Moon Full Solar Eclipse followed by the Jupiter Saturn Conjunction on Solstice, December 21st. These events will be opening the way for more forward motion on the planet.

Please join me for a New Moon Healing Circle December 14th, 10:30am, Central time. It is by donation. (And if you can't donate, no problem.) My teachings and meditation will be recorded, not the individual sharings.

Here is the Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 865 1800 9656
Donate Here
Please let me know if you are coming.

Much love,

 "The heart knows the way. Run in that direction."

Categories: healing, inner growth