Next Steps

Moving towards more inner and outer peace, visualize the health of the planet, and kind to all beings. The Super New Moon brings more energy openings.

From Munnara
Dear Beloveds,
As you move gently towards more peace, inner and outer, there is still much work to be done. Ask yourself, "How can I contribute?"

It may be as simple as recycling a container, saying a kind word to one in pain, or giving time and effort to a cause. Whatever it is, we ask you to keep on, keeping on.

Please hold and visualize the health of your planet. Hold kindness for all beings. 

Take time to center yourself and give gratitude for your blessings. See solutions for world problems.

Dear ones it is a long road and yet there is sweetness in each moment if you take the time to breathe, feel your feet on the ground, and get connected to life in the grander scale.

We are here for you. We know the pain has been great.

Be gentle with yourself. Find a moment of fresh beauty and rest in that. 

Ask for our help.
Much love,

Munnara is a Spirit Guide speaking for a group of souls holding the divine feminine wisdom.
From Kristina
Dear Beloved Tribe,
Certain hurtles have been passed for those in the United States. We are exhausted and slowly settling into ourselves, asking what is next. How do I proceed?

Returning to one's inner self, to one's heartfelt longings, and then finding clarity and momentum will serve us.

11-11 Energy Portal-Wednesday, November 11th. This is a chance for major clearing. We have the opportunity for miracles, magic, and unexpected manifestation. It's time to step into the void without knowing the outcome. More here.


Scorpio Super New Moon-Friday, November 11:07 pm, Central time.
This New Moon offers a turning point in the year. It is a time for assessing what we've learned and lost this year, and then to break free of our fears and recommit to what we are passionate about. It provides an opportunity to move into our personal power. More from Molly McCord.
Looks like we are getting through the fires of 2020.  Wow, what a year it has been! 

Astrologers say that when Saturn and Jupiter enter Aquarius on December 21st, there will be great forward movement. Yes!

"We are crossing a bridge into a new reality – a world so new that we cannot yet visualize what it might look like..." from Astrologer Pam Younghans.

Let's hope so! Much love, 

PS-I am available for Zoom sessions with the Guides. Please write to schedule.

 "The heart knows the way. Run in that direction."

I am available for readings with your Guides, house clearings, personal retreat, and spiritual coaching by phone or in person in Troncones, Mexico.

Kristina Rogers L.Ac
[email protected]
281-201-6929 US
415-115-1342 MX

Categories: inner wellness