Re-Orienting After Strong Energies

It has been intense energies these last few days as we passed through the New Moon. This is a channeling I did about it. Enjoy!

Dear Ones,
Blessings on this fine day.

We wish to comment on where you might be today, to offer you some encouragement. You have just passed through what you on your planet call a Super New Moon, that was very strong for many of you.

Many of you experienced not sleeping certain nights and then feeling foggy or not fully present in the daytime.

It is a time of:
~re-evaluation of what actually feeds you
at this time,
~of where you feel at home,
~of what is calling you forward,
~of what has meaning
~and how to find and create balance in your life.

So we would say,
give yourself the time you need, in order to more deeply drop into your true authentic self, in this moment.

Know that you are always changing. and when these large sweeping astrological events happen. and those of you that are highly sensitive, you will experience moments of disorientation or over time reorientation.

Allow this.

When this occurs, see if it is possible to allow yourself a spaciousness, a place to drift, a place to not know, and then from that place, you can reorient and find what's true for you in the new place and move forward from there.

So have patience and compassion for yourself there where you are in these present moments.

Much love and many blessings,
The Guides