Riding the Rough Waters...

There are possibilities for great healing now. You can progress out of old patterns, ways of being, and self-destructive habits. Trust in yourself.

From Munnara,
Dear Beloveds,

It continues to be difficult on your planet. Do not take it personally. Work towards change where you can and then make peace within yourself.

Move forward steadily. There are possibilities for great healing now. You can progress out of old patterns, ways of being, and self-destructive habits.

Have trust in yourself. Do not doubt your choices or needs. Look towards generating greater love within. Feel it towards yourself and then bring it to those around you.

Do not internalize that which you see without. Let it be. Move towards greater compassion for all beings. And find faith when life appears to be falling apart.
Dears, in time all this will make sense. For now, find moments of inner peace, find sweetness when you can, and do not focus on the bumpiness within and around you. Ride it. Let it pass.
We are here with you. You will make it through this. Ask for our help.

Much love,

Munnara is a Spirit Guide speaking for a group of souls holding the divine feminine wisdom.
From Kristina

Dear Beloved Tribe,
The Aires full moon is today
, Thursday, October 1st at 4:05 pm, Central time. It is the first of two full moons this month making the month more emotional and filled with intensity.

This moon brings an opportunity to come back to yourself, look within for your own inner authority, and re-commit to your best self-care.

It might be useful to look at where you've been giving away too much energy or over compromising. Tune into your inner world. Who are you now? What do you need? 



In these times of difficulty it seems important to keep inspiring ourselves with what we imbibe.

No way around it, we're in difficult times and yet we each have the opportunity to come back to inner peace, and bringing love and compassion as often as possible. 

Wishing you much love,

 "The heart knows the way. Run in that direction."

I am available for readings with your Guides, house clearings, personal retreat, and spiritual coaching by phone or in person in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Kristina Rogers L.Ac
[email protected]
281-201-6929 US
415-115-1342 MX

Categories: healing, self trust