Spring Equinox, New Moon Energy Portal

We are entering a large energy shift with the upcoming Equinox and subsequent New Moon.

The Equinox, when the day and night are equal is Monday, March 20th. For those in the northern hemisphere this is the beginning of Spring where the days will grow longer, and for those in the southern hemisphere it will initiate Fall, when the days begin to grow shorter.

From the Traditional Chinese perspective we in the north are moving from the season of winter, the element of water and the time of inner regeneration, to the spring season, the wood element, and the realm of action in the world or rising sap. From stillness to movement, from inner world to outer creations.

This day also marks the beginning of the new astrological year
as we enter the first sign of the zodiac, Aires.

This shift is closely followed by the New Moon on Tuesday, March 21st at 12:23pm Central time in the very first degree of Aires. This is an auspicious placement, making the possibilities for new beginnings profound.

Indeed we will be entering a large portal of energy
, a vibrational upgrade, and an opportunity to change.

You might ask yourself what is next, what you might want now, and what is truly your heart's desire.

Astrologer Lorna Bevan says,

"This New Moon in Aries is an invitation to:

  • Become a pioneer
  • Break new ground
  • Invoke your entrepreneurial Self
  • Take a leap of faith
  • Voice your true opinions
  • Be your own sponsor"

The opportunities for creation are endless.

Whatever you do, be sure to take some moments to set intentions, say prayer, do ritual, or purely step out of daily life, take a deep breath, and give gratitude.

Indeed this is a precious moment in time.

Categories: earth, moon