
Here are articles about Personal Development, Healing, Intuition and Inner Guidance as well as channeled wisdom from my Spirit Guides.

Kristina Rogers

This Solstice Eclipse offers a new beginning for the heart and the Divine Feminine. Dust off your disappointment and complacency.

Kristina Rogers

Attend to your heart in this difficult time. Hold a bigger vision for the Planet, do your inner work, and take action you feel called to.

Kristina Rogers

The first eclipse, June 5th can bring radical unexpected change as well as new insights and the chance to be more aligned, living into our ...

Kristina Rogers

We are asking you to breathe in the light of the sun and air. We ask you to find joy, movement, connection, and a reason to live.

Kristina Rogers

The world can be overwhelming and painful, yet there is hope: deep within we are all healing. The moon opens us to transformation and ...

Kristina Rogers

Create intentions for yourself and the world. Plant something or spend time in nature. Count your blessings, dream your dreams, be present ...

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