SMA Live Class, Spirit Guides and Inner Healing

Create a profound relationship with your individual Spirit Guide and go deeper on your personal healing journey in this 3 week class.

~Do you long to create a profound relationship with your personal Spirit Guide?
~Are you on a healing journey and wish to go deeper?

Join me for this 3 week class in which we identify your individual Spirit Guide, get you connected, and then dive deeper into personal healing. 

In this class:

  • You will receive the name and a few specifics about one of your Spirit Guides. You will work with this Guide throughout the class. 
  • You will learn to receive messages from your Guide and tune in more deeply to your Guidance.
  • You will work with your own personal healing throughout the class with meditations, journaling, and sharing in Sacred Circle.

Class is three Thursdays, January 30th, February 6th, and 13th.
Given at my house in Colonia San Antonio on Orizaba Street.
Fee-$2000 pesos or US equivalent. Due at first class or register below.

Register HERE.
Or contact me to reserve your spot and for questions.

I'm really thrilled about this class and looking forward to sharing it with you! 

Kristina and the Guides

PS-Don't live in San Miguel and want to connect to your Guide?
The online "Connect with Your Spirit Guide" class starts the first week of February, with live online classes on Saturdays. This announcement with all the specifics will be out in 2 days!

 "The heart knows the way. Run in that direction."

I am available for readings with your Guides, house clearings, personal retreat, and spiritual coaching by phone or in person in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Kristina Rogers L.Ac
[email protected]
281-201-6929 US
415-115-1342 MX

Categories: healing, spirit guide